

Note: these faqs are out of date and i cna't can't be bothered to change them so enjoy

Dear Internet,
These be my FAQs!
Well, not really. but this should hopefully be entertaining - and feel free to ask any others, any others, because at least once is considered 'frequent' to me. But whatever.
I shall add questions and answers when I want (and need) to.

 What is this? I don't even...

This is a blog, & you don't even know why you are here. So just go click 'Next blog' if you're actually that confused.

So, who are you?
I am Bronwyn.
Apparently your friend, too.
I am Bronwyn, though.
Age: 13 years old
Gender: Female
Location: Newcastle, UK
Hobbies: Singing, Blogging (duh!), reading, laughing, watching My Little Pony: Friendship is
                 Magic, being cool
Yes, ponies, but don't stick it until you try it. Then you can stick it.

What is this font?! I need it's beautiful, smooth but sharp texture and exquisite curves.

Yes, yes you do. It's called 'Helvetica' and you can download it here, if you really want it that badly.
"Helvetica is a widely used sans-serif typeface developed in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann."
        Why do you use it?
        Mainly because it's nice. And better than the others in the very small selection of fonts that 
        Blogger gives me.
Why do you say "Dear Internet," or "Dear Web," (etc) at the beginning of your posts?
Basically, I'm a little bit eccentric, but that's okay, right? Right?! Okay, wrong.
Because of my original school website thing blog, I wrote it then to be ironic (no one can read those blogs, they're blocked), and I started that blog on the 10th of September 2012, at 11pm - as procrastination, of course.
        This 'other' blog...
        You can't access it, as said above, but if you must know, I only posted 14 times on there,
        and it consisted of whining and other things like that. Here is a bit of random that was in 
        my ''VLE Blog'' :D
        "Heeey. This is an after bit. Yeeeah. I knooooow.
        pigHi! I'm mister pig!
        cowAnd I'm mister cow...
        And together we are.. PIG AND COW!!!!!
         cowShuddup bananas.
         Oh, ok.banana''
        See? Rubbish.
        But... it had emoticons....

How long does it take to write and publish one of your posts?
It honestly depends on everything:
  • The time (is it late, am I going somewhere?)
  • The date (is it a date when I shouldn't be sitting at a laptop, blogging?)
  • The place (am I at home, in my room etc?)
  • My mood (can I be bothered?)
  • My family (can I get on Blogger, will my family let me?)
  • Computers (are they working, is there a computer spare?)
And there're others too, which I haven't listed, but to answer the question, it usually takes around...
Well so far it's taken between 1 minute and 6 days to post something to YourFriendBron so it really does vary, and by post, I don't mean the period between posts, I mean the period of time it takes to type and upload one, but since the 1 minute one I have started using pictures, videos, links and formatting.

Why this blog? And should I start a blog? How?!
I started this blog because I thought that if someone actually read what I wrote, it could improve my confidence (really!) and would give me a reason to document my life, but why this blog? Because one of my all time favourite sites (Equestria Daily!) is powered by Blogger, and it mentions this at the bottom of all of its pages, and I scrolled down once and clicked out of interest, so now I have a blog. Then why the name? Because I wanted to seem friendly to people and although it's called "Your Friend Bronwyn", Bronwyn's not common, but Bron is relatively well known, so (or is it Idk) seemed nice.
You should start a blog for anything, because it's so easy (if you go onto Blogger it actually does it, step by step), from for your dinner each day, to for your holidays each year! But be committed, because when you flick through blogs, you often find a personal blog that has been posted on a couple of times, then left to rot. So as I said, just go on Google and click 'Blogger'on the 'More' tab at the top, and you can begin there!

Will you X?
Depends, again, on what X is.
X could be dirty, or X could be 'type a secret word across a post or two'. So... yeah.

Can you do something fun on here?
If you're still reading, then yes! If you skipped the other stuff, then yes (and good on you)!
I want to do something fun, but it's very time consuming, so occasional hidden messages and puzzles and stories and videos and poems (what? Poems are fun.) will have to do.

Enjoy my blog,
Love from Bronwyn :)


  1. Can you do handstands?
    From Anne Nonimaus

  2. If you were a fruit for a day, which fruit would you want to be?
    That's right, I have an imagination. This totally beats all your other questions. Oh yeah.

    1. The first fruit that came into my head was 'pineapple'.
      I'm not sure if I'd want to be a pineapple, though...
      Yeah, probably a pineapple. :D

    2. Why not an orange? Oranges are cool.

    3. What about orange?!
